Friday, August 03, 2007

An exciting day!

Today Hershey and I woke up early as usual and went poddy and got a cookie. Then when we went back outside Hershey, the hunter, found an already injured cicada with one wing. All he could do is spin around in circles and make noise. We pawed at it and sniffed it and watched it. Mom went to get the camera to take a video but when she did Hershey grabbed the bug and ran off inside the bushes where no one could find him. Mom had to pull him out of the bushes by his tail. She didn't get any pictures and thinks he ate it. Yum!

Then, Hershey's Mom and Dad came to my house. Hershey was soooo glad to see him. They told him it was time to go home, back to his house in Virginia. I was sad. I hate it when Hershey leaves to go back home.
But wait ... what's this? Is this MY dog stuff in MY dog suitcase?

IT IS!!!!! There's my leash ... and my food .... and my traveling water .... and my traveling bowl ..... and my teeny teddy.

Wait ... where are they taking my dog suitcase??

Uh oh ... now I am in Hershey's car! Am I going on a car ride? Am I going home to Herhsey's house with him?! Are you coming Mom?


Luckie Girl said...

Oh Copper, you look so happy in the car!! I think you're going to hershey's house to stay for a long while!! :) How exciting!!!! Should I be checking your blog or Hershey's blog for updates?? *confused*
PS : Is that your travelling water bowl?

Duke said...

So we're switching houses! Is this like musical chairs? How fun!

Love ya lots,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

It sure is nice that you have two houses to live at. If one set of humans has to go somewhere, you can live with the other ones and that way you and Hershey can play together all of the time!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Copper.
I am sure you will have great time at Hershey's house!
Please let us know about your time there.
Have a good night

Anonymous said...

You look like you're going to have fun at Hershey's house - are you stil going to be blogging while you're there?


Ivy said...

hurray! how fun to get to spend so much time wif your best friend! you are one lucky dog copper!

luv ivy

Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Copper,
Hershey invited you to his place yea? I can see little cutie behind the two of you, be sure to take good care of her yea!

have lots of fun!


Marie said...

Copper! Copper! Maybe I will get to come over and meet you while you are here in Richmond!!!! :)

Lady Kaos said...

WOW! Hershey spent all that time at your house and now you're switching? You guys are so lucky!