Hello dogfriends. Remember me? Mom caught her yearly 'Cold That Turns Into Bronchitis' and I have been busy taking care of her lately. She stayed in bed with me ALLLL weekend last weekend, something she only does if she is really really sick. I would say it was lovely ... all that snuggling ..... but ...... actually I was a little bored. Gheesh! A dog can only sleep so much.
But she went back to work this week and today she took me with her. I got a few treats from her boss and met a few new people. I didn't get to stroll around and explore though which is what I really want to do. I don't know why I can't stroll around. .............. PLUS she forgot the camera AGAIN! So no pictures of me in her office. Next time .... she says.
Yesterday she came home smelling like another DOG!!! I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed her shirt and after a great deal of investigativie work I was able to determine that she had held a baby puppy that was part daschund and part YORKIE! The puppy is called a 'dorkie.' I think it will look something like this. Mom told me it was really cute. A nice lady at her work bought it in another state.

On the companion front, Mom has been looking on-line at Daschund Rescue (not Dorky Rescue) and Petfinder and she even emailed a lady about it. But the lady said that someone has to come out to her house and do a Home Inspection and make sure that the house is safe for a dog ... specifically Mom thinks ..... is the laundry is folded AND put away and is the bathroom is clean? She says since those things are not in order at her house anymore because she works, and because she has been sick, that she has to keep thinking about it. No really, they check to make sure your fence is "secure" and we all know the story on that now DON'T WE? (No, I can get out through my secret passages. Bwa ha ha!) So nothing has been done on the companion front. As long is it isn't a dorky ......