Wednesday, August 29, 2007
I am just going to have to maintain a long distance relationship with these girlfriends. But that seems appropriate because I hear people meet on the internet all the time. I guess dogs can meet on the internet too! Sorry Luckie, sorry Hana.
Meanwhile Hershey arrived this afternoon. He is going to visit me again while his Mom and Dad go somewhere. That rocks!!! He and I are such buddies. Sometimes I wish he could live with me all the time.
Hey .... I just checked..... and Mexico is far away too. I can't go see Lorenza either. Gheesh!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Goodbye Mom ....
a red one like this? ................ What, you think red? Ok, red it is. I'll be back soon. Love you Mom.
Friday, August 24, 2007
I'm baaacck ....
Friday, August 17, 2007
Question number 2 ... no, number 3 ....

I might say I would spend the day with Luckie in Singapore. Maybe we could go on a date to the DWB Party for their annual holiday . That would be fun. Only problem is, that party was just the other day ....... it's over now.

Maybe I would spend the day with Hana and lay in the sun on her window seat. I love to lay in the sun and sleep and I think there is room for me on that bench. That would be fun.
Maybe I would spend the day with Ivy at the beach. I have never been to the beach ...ever. We could dig up some sea shells and smell the ocean air and feel the wind in our fur. That would be fun.
But I think if I could spend an entire day with anyone at all I would spend it with my Mom and do anything she wanted to do. I miss her very much right now and I think she misses me too. I get to see her in two more days. Maybe she will spend a whole day with me soon real soon.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
5 Questions .... one at a time ....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
a space ship .... and barking ....
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Monsters I would have barked at .....
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Where is my Mom?
Hello .... my name is Tabitha ....


Monday, August 06, 2007
Hi, my name is Mari ....
This is me getting my nightly treat. This is my begging stool. I use it to beg for all kinds of stuff - cheese, ham, pepperoni, pretty much anything my parents are eating. Its been my stool since I was in college (I lived with my mommy in college). Even though I lived with my Mom - my Daddy is my favorite. He came by all the time in college and we used to play a lot. Dad will always be my favorite. I sleep in his lap when Tabby is not around and he lets me hang out in his office with him while he works.
I have to go now its my bedtime - I have to sleep a lot.
Friday, August 03, 2007
An exciting day!
IT IS!!!!! There's my leash ... and my food .... and my traveling water .... and my traveling bowl ..... and my teeny teddy.
Wait ... where are they taking my dog suitcase??
Uh oh ... now I am in Hershey's car! Am I going on a car ride? Am I going home to Herhsey's house with him?! Are you coming Mom?
Kissing the baby
Muuuaaacckkk baby! Here's a kiss right on the mouth.
Ok, we'll stop kissing her.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
What? Hershey and I don't count?!
I wish I could say I have been really busy but I can't. Mom on the other hand has been really busy. She has been working and getting ready for something. I am not sure what it is. I'll keep you posted when I find out. I has something to do with laundry and changing the oil in her car.
Tonight Hershey and I got to go for a car ride though. It was very exciting! First we saw a bad wreck near my house and we had to go around another way which meant Hershey and I got to see some different sights. Then we drove and drove and drove. I don't know where we went, but we heard, "Hershey get in the back seat" and "Copper get back there." Then Daddy stopped the car at a light, and we felt a BUMP! Daddy said "Oh nooooo." He got out of the car in the middle of the road and went and talked to a lady. Pretty soon a policeman came and talked to my Daddy. Mommy sat in the car with us so we would not bark. The policeman had a funny hat on and he had lots of things on his belt. I don't know how he kept the belt on it had some many things on it.
The policeman said there was a new rule and he had to know how old all of the "PERSONS" were in the car. So Daddy told him how old he was and how old Mom was .............. but he didn't tell the policeman how old Hershey and I are! What?! Don't we count as persons? I was so hurt. I don't think Hershey cared, but I was hurt. I don't have any pictures of it because it was dark and Mom didn't bring her camera anyway. Mom says to tell you it was only a little fender bender and that no one was hurt. She forgot about my feelings though!