Cover #2 - the goofy pose
Dear dog friends and Girl Girl,
Today is my birthday!!!!! I am four years old today. My mother looked it up and my birthday is today, not tomorrow!!!!! Because she messed up, Mom says I can celebrate my birthday for two days! How about that!
To celebrate, Mom made two magazine covers with me on the cover! One has a sleepy pose and one has a goofy pose and I am not sure I like either of them actually because they do not show my handsome side. Tell me which one you like. (If you want to make a cover of yourself, tell me and my Mom will send you the link.)
I will let you know if my Mother comes through with any presents for my birthday.
Copper - now 4 Years Old
Hi, Copper!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Copper!
Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Or like we say here...
Feliz CumpleaƱos querido Copper!
I like both covers... they show you in different actions!
Please let me know what your mom gave to you for your birthday
Have a great day
I like the sleepy pose best and happy birthday Copper!!!!!!!!!!! Your mom BETTER come through with a treat and a pressie!
Love ya lots,
Happy barkday to you, Copper!! I like both your poses! I hope your Mom does come through with birthday presents... and I hope your DAD comes through too! Aren't dads suppose to get presents also? And, what about Miss Cindy? She is one of your favorite people, so she should get you a present also, yes, that is what I think.
Yes, yes, tell us the link to the magazine covers!! But, I wanna be "Dog of the Year" instead of "Year of the Dog"
hey hey copper! happy happy birfday to you! you deserve ice cream and beefy lollipops and frosty paws and a long walk. i hope you get lots of skweaky toys and good naps too.
i think i like the goofy silly pose the best cuz it looks like you haf glasses on and you look very handsome!
luv ivy
Woo Copper! Happy Birthday! I will be sure to ask mom for some ice cream to celebrate in your honor!!! We are in Macon. It was hot here today.. I think it got up to 97 :( I don't care for the heat!!!
Hey Copper!!
Happy Barkday!! :) I think your MOm should have used your pikture with the ribbon necklace. Now that's one handsome pose.
I hope you have lotsa pressies...and basically just enjoy yourself for the day. YOu deserve it!!
MUACK....! xxx
Happy Birthday Copper!!!!
Happy Birthday, Copper! We wish we could be with you to celebrate and help you eat your birthday treats. You don't look a day over three!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Happy barkday, Coppper! I hope you got some Frosty Paws as a treat!
Copper, yes, I think Luckie has a crush on you, and I think you have a crush on her too. Age shouldn't matter. Well, it does if one of you is underaged, but now that Luckie is 1 year old, I think she is old enough to start dating.
Happy happy barkday!!!
We love ya!
The Brat Pack
Happy Birthday, Copper! I hope it was an extra super one with lots og gifts and a cake, too. Love your magazine covers- both of them!
Big Wags,
happy birthday dude! i miss you man, we have so much fun together! i mean we hardly need our mom's when we are together! hardly...
but our mom's rock don't they! but i still have no idea WHY you like miss cindy...i mean she took your "manhood"! i don't like her...she took my manhood too!
anyways, happy birthday! i will come and see you again in a couple weeks! (the baby and the cat are coming too, whatever!)
Hey Copper! I tag you for the family revealing game. You gotta write about your family and then tag 3 other dogs!
Happy Belated Birthday, dear Copper! You have had quite an Eventful fourth Year! May your Next be as Delightful.
I am most Fond of the first "Dog of the Year" cover, with your Dreamy Look.
Happy Belated Birthday Copper!!!!
You sure look good as a 4 years old dachshund!
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