Friday, June 08, 2007

Hershey is here!!!

Friends, Hershey DID come to see me!!!! He got here today and we have been too busy running round chasing each other to take any pictures. We'll post some tomorrow. He brought Nixon and something else that's little. I haven't had much time to pay attention to it yet. It smells different and I get in trouble if I lick it.

I am sorry I did not post this week. My Mother has been to busy to help me blog. How can she be that busy?


Hana said...

Ohhh, you two will have lots of fun together! And hey, you shouldn't get in trouble if you lick the human pup. Tell your folks that licking is like giving a kiss so how could that be wrong?

Luckie Girl said...

Isn't that FUN FUN FUN!! Try to get settled down soon and show us all your fun fun dogventures. :)

Duke said...

How fun for the two of you to be visiting! Have a great time together!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Copper.
I am so glad Hershey is with you to play. I hope you have great time together. And with Nixon and the baby too!
Please post pictures!
Have a nice day