Saturday, June 16, 2007

Our photography session .....

Since my silly Mom won't take me to a photography studio to get my picture taken (like she did the baby), I did some horsing around on the computer today and made these. Which one do you like best?
Above is the original picture.
Goofy colors.

Yikes, where did our eyes go!

Psychedelic black and white.

Old fashioned dogs.
I guess I just need to get Mom to take me to the photography studio. I hear they have ducks there.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Copper.
I like all of them! You don't need pictures from a studio, the ones your mom take are very good!
Have a nice day

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Copper, you and Hershey look good in all of those pictures ... well, the ones where your eyes disappeared are a little wierd but the rest just show how versatile you are!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Anonymous said...

I vote .. goofy colors! Maybe you can do something fun like these ladies did ... ...

Gwyn Valentine said...

I like all of them, but if i were to choose, then it will be the last one.
Both of you look great together!

Hana said...

Copper, you forgot!! You were in my Fashion Show, and Hershey's baby Miriam was not! That's something to be proud of, don't you think? Plus, I think your modeling in this post was exceptionally grand! My mom has been working on her ribbon necklace web site and hopefully it will be done soon so you will become more famous than you already are!

Well, anywoof, it is really difficult to decide on just one favorite pic of you that you made today. I think I like the original the best and then the old fashioned one.

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Copper, I like the original one and the old fashion pikture. My dad loves to take pikctures of doggies..too bad we don't live nearby!
Of course if the collar was from you, it would be special to me! :)
PS : The bed seems kinda tight for both of you. Maybe your Mom should invest in a new bed!

Duke said...

I like the first picture the very best!
You and Hershey are so cute together!

Love ya lots,

The Brat Pack said...

What a great pic! We like them all, but the old fashioned best.

The Brat Pack :)

Hana said...

What did you mean by the ducks at the photography studio? Did Hershey's Miriam get to play with ducks?