Today's blog is about some cat friends I don't know. Mari and Tabitha are two cats that are technically part of my family but I don't know them very well. They belong to the boy, that used to live here when he was a boy, but who is not a boy anymore. He has a wife and two cats named Mari and Tabitha. I met Mari once and in fact I liked to play with her a lot. She lived here for a short time. I have never met Tabitha. This is Tabitha.

Mari and Tabitha both had rocky beginnings as unfortunate street urchins. They now live lives of luxury inside a comfortable house with sunny windows and deep cushions, regular food and people that love them dearly. Tabitha and Mari live far far away, even further away than Hershey lives. I never get to go visit them. Maybe someday I will. I'm not sure they would want me to come visit them though because I don't think they know anything at all about dogs. This is Mari.

Speaking of Hershey, my Mother has not mentioned anything about it but Hershey commented in my blog that he was coming to visit me. My Mother never tells me if he is coming because she says I get all hyper and look for him 24/7. In all honesty, she does tell me sometimes that he is coming, but not until a couple minutes before he is due to arrive which isn't much fun. But he himself told me in my blog, so maybe he IS coming? When he comes, he usually brings that cat friend of his named Nixon. Now, I KNOW Nixon! I know him really well ... well as well as a cat lets you know them. This is Nixon.

So, stay tuned and see if Hershey comes to see me.
Hi Copper!
The cats are beautiful. It is good that they have found themselves a nice home. Should Hershey go visit, do have lots of fun!
Hey Copper,
Some cats can be really fierce. hehe...I think Nixon likes Hershey and you...to a certain extent. Maybe he thinks both of you are cats!!
Ooo..i can't wait to see Hershey and you on your dogventures!
PS : Mom is curious and wants to know if the little boy (who's not very little now) has any hairless pups?? Or is Miriam the first hairless pup in your family?
Copper, we hope Hershey comes to visit you. You always seem so happy when Hershey is visiting. Sometimes you seem sad when you don't have anyone to play with. We wish we could play with you because we like it when you are happy.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
No Luckie, the boy only has 2 cats and 1 wife. They do not have any babies yet. Miriam is the only grandchild so far.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy, My Mom passed by Petsmart on Saturday and started to go in and see the doggies up for adoption. But she didn't. She thinks I would be happier with a buddy but she is too chicken to get me one. You never know what you get with older dogs.
I do love t when Hersh-man comes though.
hmmm Copper - I am very unsure about this whole cat business, are you sure it is safe ?
Hi, Copper.
Mari and Tabitha are cute! And Mari looks like an ornment in that mantle!
I hope you can meet Hershey soon, because I know you two are great friends and have lots of fun together!
Have a nice day
Hi Copper,
I've never met a cat, I'm a little scawed of them, but these sure look bootiful, and if they played with you they must be nice
I hope Hershey comes to visit you soon, I felt so bad that you're boooored, I'd come play if I could
love you
smoochie kisses
Hey Copper, remember what happened last time when you and Hershey were locked up in the bathroom while your moms were out... delivering dog treats I think?? That's not gonna happen again, right? (a bathroom fight)
Oh Coppppper! You wanna become famous? I just read that Reina's parents are looking for some pictures to use at their animal organization. And one of the pics they're looking for is of a dog being taken for a walk. I just KNOW you have a picture of you on a slow sniffy walk.... thought I'd pass the link to you if you wanna be famous: http://reinadoxie.wordpress.com/2007/06/02/do-you-have-a-picture-to-share/#comments
Oh I hope Hershey will come visit you. Do take lots of pictures together if he really comes ok
~ girl girl
Hey Copper,
Isn't Nixon a spy? Are Mari and Tabitha also spys? When do you think Hershey might come. Aren't the people mean sometimes when they don't tell us what's going on?
see ya
I thot I heard Hershey is coming to see you very very soon.... take pics please!!! I guess this is like a dachie meet up?
Hi ya Copper,
Those cats look very nice, as far as cats can be nice. Those are very beautiful photos. I hope Hershey comes and visits you soon. You seem very excited to see him. When he comes, I hope you guys have lots and lots of fun. Make sure your Mom takes a bunch of photos so we can see you two together, k?
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