and I am in a thankful mood tonight
so tonight I will share with you what I am thankful for:
1. I am thankful for my Mom. Even though I love my Dad very much, my Mom is the love of my life because she .... well she is just my favorite person. I am always by her side ... if she is home. She also helps me blog.
2. I am thankful for Hershey, my best buddy in the whole world, and that we get to see each other occassionally. I am also thankful that he doesn't hump me quite as much as he used to.
3. I am thankful for soft beds and carpeted floors, pillows and blankets. I hate hard floors.
4. I am thankful for hollow bones stuffed with treats, my favorite recipe.
5. I am thankful for short sniffy walks. I got to go one one last night! Yea!
6. I am thankful for rides in the car. It doesn't matter when we go, I just like to go.
7. I am thankful for my grassy fenced yard and that Mom FINALLY raked up the leaves in my grassy fenced yard.
8. I am thankful that my peepol take good care of me and buy me good dogfood and medicine and buy me toys.
9. I am thankful for my friend and Doctor - Miss Cindy.
10. And last, but not least, I am thankful for all my dog friends and Dogs With Blogs. My Mom and I are soooooooo enjoying getting cards in the mail each day. Today we got one from Bogart, Holly, Freda, and Boo.
A Belated Happy Thanksgiving Everydog
Copper- you made me laugh about Hershey humping you! Hee Hee I got your card today- thank you!
Big Wags,
how sweet an entry, copper. we are also grateful for fellow doggies with bloggies... like you. :)
Wow Copper--what a great list and a stunning portrait of you. I'm glad that Hershey doesn't hump you so much. When somedog tries to hump me, I bite them on the nose right away. But boys might be different. Hamish and Rafe hump each other all the time--we hope that's going to stop now that the people have begun the testosterone reduction program at our house.
Got your card last night Copper! I just loved it. I showed mom about the empty bone stuffed with treats. She said she would look for the stuff to put inside. Hope your Thanksgiving was good. Me and my kitty sibs got the last of the turkey mixed in with our food last night for dinner.
Wow, you have a lot of things to be thankful for. I'm most thankful that Comet stopped marking my head. I'm also thankful for my DWB friends. Your card arrived today. You and Hershey look so cute!
Hey Copper,
Thanks for the cooools Christmas card. You and Hershey are reeeallys cute. Glad you received my card.
That's too bad that Hershey is sooo far away now. At least he's not humpin' ya all the times.
There are a lot of things to be thankful for and I reeeallys like your list. And I have to add, 'I'm thankful that I don't lives with a C-A-T.'
Again, thanks for the neato card and happy holidays to you and your gang.
That is a beautiful picture of you. Your mom is a good photographer!
Thanks for your card. I love the pic of you and Hershey!
Hey,you care a lot for your family..its choo chweet!!
And hey, you wanna know wat my dog!! Chcek out this post on dog's dictionary. I hope u'll like it..
God bless
Awwww Copper...you are such a good and thoughtful dog to be thankful for so many things. I am thankful to have you as one of my dog blogging friends! You have such a cool blog!
By the way, that's a really nice picture of you!
i am thankful to haf you as a friend too copper! that wuz a very nice list. i am very thankful for all those things too.
since you asked i wrote a poem for ken too. he didnt haf as long a life but it sher wuz more exciting!
Copper I am thankful for you and your mom and dad who take good care of me when I visit!
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