Geesh! I had to ask for my Mom's help but I finally moved my blog over here to Blogger (or whatever it is called.) Hershey did and so I did too. Mom said it was hard. I will have to work on the site to get it to the way I want it. The things us dogs have to do to have friends! Mom cannot figure out how to move all the comments from the other site so please be sure to leave me comments OK? I do like the way my pictures come up on this blogger thing. Just for fun, here is my Mom's favorite picture of me and Hershey.
Hi Copper! You're very cute. I found you on Meeshka's blog. I'm going to link to you from my blog.
Hey Copper,
I will get my dad to change your link on the dogswithblogs page so everyone can visit you at your new blog !
You and Hershey are two of the cutest doglets I've ever met!
Woo to you!
Thank you Opy. If computers need us dogs to help them get along... we can help them. I haven't figured out how to add links yet, but when I do .....
Hey Copper! I'm glad you left a comment at my blog so I could find my way here. I love your new blog home. It took me a while to figure out the link thingie. You have to go into your template and add the links to the html code. Lots of people think that html stuff is easy, but it isn't! After lots of trial and error I finally figured it out.
You and Hershey are just so darn cute!
Big Wags,
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