Here we are giving them our final inspection and counting them to make sure we got them all. Yeah, there's the one to Fu Fu. We were surprised at how many there are to Singapore. We sent one to the Army of Four anyway and we even figured out Ivy's address ... we hope it's her address anyway (the internet is amazing).... and sent her one.

We hand addressed them ... just to be different. Hershey is showing you here that he used a red pen to address his. I used a green one.

We sure hope you like them. Hershey and I worked together on the design. They will come to my house but I will forward them on to Hershey. Hershey goes home tomorrow. I will miss him. I will not miss Nixon because ... well.... we hardly ever saw him all weekend. He stayed hidden and never tried to escape.
Hi Copper, my mom just ordered our cards today. I'm glad because she made me sit for picture taking for days on end. I kept thinking "Woe is Me." The funny thing is the picture she chose is one of the ones taking on the FIRST day of picture taking!!
Well, it sounds like you all are having so much fun with the card exchange. Woe is me... next year I will have to participate in the exchange. You are a good sleuth to find Ivy's address!
Hey guys, that's alot of envelopes on the floor. Good thing you guys are checking. Oh you checked my card too? I can't wait to get you card. I'm mailing my tomorrow. I hope it gets to you guys soon
~ fufu
Hi Copper and Hershey. We got your card yesterday!! You two are too cute. We sent ours 2 days ago, so check your mail today!! Merry Christmas
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