Mom carved a picture of me in a pumpkin too. My neighbor called it a Copper lantern or something like that. See, here's the pumpkin. It's certainly not as scary as Ivy's. Infact it's pretty boring.
I sure had to bark a lot tonight. All these kids kept coming to my door and Mom gave them treats. I vaguely remember this happening last year. I got a few treats too, mostly for "stay." My Dad told me to stop barking so much, but I told him barking is my job!
Hey Copper,
Love the bat cape, is that like Batman?? hehehe. The pumpkin carving is great!! Tell your Mama she did a very good job.
Happy Halloween!
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
Love, love, love your cape! And that pumpkin is just too cute. I think it is sweet that your mom loves you so much she made a special pumpkin just for you.
Happy Halloween!
I'm glad that you got the cape that you wanted so much. i was on pins and needles wondering if your mom would pull through and get you a cape! Aren't moms and dads the best!
Happy Halloween.
Yep, you're looking good, for sure! My bark's getting a workout tonight too! I'm driving Mom nuts, LOL.
Wow! Great cape! All we got were bandanas. And you have your very own pumpkin portrait! Your mom is really taking care of you. We're just glad we survived Halloween again.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
I had barely finished dinner when my mom got my leash down. I started doing happy dances cause I thought we were going to the bark park. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that we weren't! Mom put me on the leash so she could catch me quicker when the doorbell rang and those rugrats started screetching "Trick or Treat"- yah, I'll show you a trick! I was usually fast enough on the start but dad usually caught me by the time I got to the door and then he dragged me down the hall away from the front door. Man- I hate that! At least they were gone by 8pm. Both Worf and Simon were totally freaked out by those little maniacs. Everyone is tired today.
Hi there, love your cape - you look like Batdog!!
copper, we had so much fun answering the door last year!! i didn't get to do anything this year, mom and dad went to a party and i had to stay in my kennel! you had tons more fun
Pawsome cape Copper, and even more pawsome answer to your dad. Barking IS your job. Well done. Mom tells me to give it a rest all the time. She also calls me Barkey Malone. At least she doesn't call me lazy.
Wowie zowie! You look so handsome in your bat cape! Your mom did a great job with your portrait carving.
cool pumpkin!
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