My Mom is ignoring me. Well, she isn't really ignoring me ... she fed me ... and she lets me sit beside her, but she is not helping me blog as much as I'd like and she is paying attention to this. It is knitting and crocheting. She has these sharp things and balls of string and is paying attention to them and not me. She says it is for Hershey's baby. 1. Hershey isn't here. 2. Hershey doesn't have a baby. 3. What is a baby anyway? Will I have to wear these shoes? ..... because I don't like shoes.

copper, my mom made these green felt baby booties today for the baby!!! she found the pattern at the martha stewart website. i thought they were for me they were so small. are babies that small! will it be as big as me!? will our mom's love us anymore?
Hm. If Hershey has a baby, then will you be the grandpa, kind of? If your mom makes you a blankie, maybe you can share it with the Hershey baby and then you and Hershey and the Hershey baby will all be best friends.
By the way, my friend's friend is looking to get a dachsie for her current dachsie. Do you know of any good breeders or rescues over on your side of the world? She is interested in Penn, NJ, or Delaware.
At least your Mom isn't making you pose with the hat and shoes. Tell Hershey that Mom's have enough love for everyone - even if it doesn't seem that way sometimes.
Copper, just do what Lulu does when I try to knit....run away with the ball of yarn.
Hi Copper, You do look kinda sad in the picture. Is there anyone else in the house that'll play with you?
~ fufu
I think FuFu is right. You look sad. :( Are you OK?
Love, Amber
Actually dog friends ... I was not sad in that picture .. just sleepy. No Fu Fu, no one else but Mom plays with me. Dad pets me and feeds me. Mom teaches me tricks.
No Hana, I don't know of any breeders. Hershey came from a guy in Atlanta but he never updates his website. Hershey is still on there as a puppy and he's a year and a half. And, I am not sharing my blankets with anybody ...except Hershey, I will share with him.
My grrrramma does that yarn stuff too! Can't understand why - it's not like anybody here in the subtropics needs hats or mittens!
Bussie Kissies
Oh, poor Copper! That sad face should have her feelig pretty guilty!
Uh oh...I think your buddy Hershey is in trouble. I only see two shoes in the picture...so his baby is only going to have two feet. You better go help him out!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi Cooper... You look real sad. Maybe you could play with your toys?
The hat and shoes look like they are finished now. We hope your mom is playing with you again. If she isn't, sneak over to our house. We will play with you.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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