Sunday, April 29, 2007

Boy do I miss my Mom ....

Hey dog friends. My Mom is gone. My Dad came back yesterday and I ran out to the car to find her but she was not there. I am happy to have my Dad back but I really miss my Mom.

Dad tells me that Mom is taking care of Hershey's Mom and Hershey's baby. He says she has lots of pictures of the baby and she would love to show them to you but she wants to give Hershey's Mom and Dad that privilege. Dad says the baby weighed just he right amount and is doing really well. Mom wants to show you the blanket she worked very hard to make for the baby. She even made an "M" in the blanket for Miriam.
I am sorry we missed the cheese thing this weekend. I love cheese. I hope you all got some cheese.


Anonymous said...

We missed you at the cheese party also! Daschies were well represented though! Tell Hershey to hurry up and post photos of the baby. When we get our grandbaby Mom can't go help because they have 8 cats and she's allergic. I offered to go take care of the cats but I don't think I'm going to get to, sigh.

The Brat Pack said...

Hopefully Mom will be home soon for you! The blanket is too cool though!

The Brat Pack

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Copper,
You look so sad staring at the window for your Mom. I'm sure she'll be back soon and she probably misses you big time too.
Oooo..that blankie is so pwetty...maybe your Mom can make one with a C for you. Erm, you are not going to tinkle on that I hope?

Duke said...

What a pretty blanket and how talented your mom is!
You were definitely missed at the pawty!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said...

You look so forlorn, Copper. Don't be sad, your mom misses you too and will be back soon!

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else, we sure did miss you, but understand! Does your mom sell these blankets??? My mom thinks they are SUPER awesome and says something about that they could make some great gifts to her friends!!
Hugs, Sitka

Hana said...

The M on the blanket is pretty cool! Your mom should make you a blanket with a C on it!