Yes, I am fixed. I was fixed when I was 5 or 6 months old and I NEVER mark my territory (unlike another doglet I know.) It's embarrasing but I tinkle like a girl, so no that is not it. And Mom does lure me into the crate. In fact one night she fixed everything the night before and put it in the crate. In the morning, I couldn't wait to get to it .. I just wanted to get the treat OUT of the crate though and take it under the dining room table. She also does the boring greeting thing when she gets home. She lets me out of the crate and lets me out in my yard and goes back inside. I, on the other hand, am over the moon excited to see her and so it is prety hard for her to remain uninterested in me. She gave up on the metal crate because she was afraid I was hurting my teeth. But thank you for your advice. My Mom is kinda a wimp and so am I so maybe she needs to re-think it all.

I know this is not a Kong, but the Kong peepol won't let you copy their pictures. This is King Kong. I have a large black Kong. That is the size the Kong people recommend for me. It seems kind of big for me but Mom figured the hole was bigger so she got it. I managed to chew a red one up, so Mom got me the black one for extreme chewers. I want to know what your peepol "stuff" your with?? My Mom puts one of those little cookies that Kong makes, the kind that sticks out the hole. I chew off the top of the cookie and then I don't care about the broken off part on the inside of the Kong because (I guess) I can't get it. Sometimes she puts a table spoon of peanut butter inside the opening and I like it but it doesn't thrill me. She never FILLS IT with anything. Do you big dogs have such long tongues that you can get to the bottom of those things???? What do you put in it? Do you think mine is too big for me?
My favorite treat is a hollow bone filled with lamb and rice jerky treats. I lick and lick and lick the jerky treats on each end. Mom fixes me one every day when she goes to work. But it still doesn't keep me occupied all day.
On another note, I have gotten so many cards, I can't count them all. I am going to send them to Hershey because we are sharing. Hershey, just wiat till you see them all !! I got a really special present from Hana today and I have a crush on her now. Can I have a crush on two girls ...... Ivy and Hana? Thank you Hana. I love it!!!!!
Tomorrow I will tell you about the amazing scary thing that came to my neighbor hood today! I took pictures!
Hmm... I think my girl stuffs my kong (it's blue and pretty little) with two buddy treats (peanut butter) and some crumbled liver treats and tiny pieces of beef jerky treats.
To confess though... I am always left in my ex pen when my humans leave the house... and I only take out of my kong what I can easily get. Then the second they get home and let me out, I greet them and then fling my kong all over to get the rest of the stuff.
It's tough if you're in a crate if it's stuff that's hard to eat. I don't think it's very good for you, but there is a kong stuffing paste... comes in a whipped cream bottle, I think.
I can't wait to hear what happened at your neighborhood, Copper!
Dude - was it a giant skweerel that came into your neighborhood? Inquiring minds want to know!
I lose interest in the food stuffed toys before actually get anything out of them. I can't have peanut butter in mine 'cause the humans think it would attract ants. Ants are a constant battle here in Florida. I left some dry dog food in my bowl on the patio one day and soon it was filled with ats- ewwwww.....
Sounds like you have setted down and given your mom a break. I wouldn't pull the feather scattering again for a long time. I think that pushed her over the edge. Linda said she would have freaked if she had walked in on a mess like that. Humans freak out over stuff really easy, don't they? I just don't understand why some things are so important to them. Making messes seems to be one of the things that sets them off. I guess we just don;'t see things the way they do. And they tend to forget how many of our natural instincts we have to keep a lid on in order to keep them happy.
Big Wags,
I lose interest in the food stuffed toys before actually get anything out of them. I can't have peanut butter in mine 'cause the humans think it would attract ants. Ants are a constant battle here in Florida. I left some dry dog food in my bowl on the patio one day and soon it was filled with ats- ewwwww.....
Sounds like you have setted down and given your mom a break. I wouldn't pull the feather scattering again for a long time. I think that pushed her over the edge. Linda said she would have freaked if she had walked in on a mess like that. Humans freak out over stuff really easy, don't they? I just don't understand why some things are so important to them. Making messes seems to be one of the things that sets them off. I guess we just don;'t see things the way they do. And they tend to forget how many of our natural instincts we have to keep a lid on in order to keep them happy.
Big Wags,
I lose interest in the food stuffed toys before actually get anything out of them. I can't have peanut butter in mine 'cause the humans think it would attract ants. Ants are a constant battle here in Florida. I left some dry dog food in my bowl on the patio one day and soon it was filled with ats- ewwwww.....
Sounds like you have setted down and given your mom a break. I wouldn't pull the feather scattering again for a long time. I think that pushed her over the edge. Linda said she would have freaked if she had walked in on a mess like that. Humans freak out over stuff really easy, don't they? I just don't understand why some things are so important to them. Making messes seems to be one of the things that sets them off. I guess we just don;'t see things the way they do. And they tend to forget how many of our natural instincts we have to keep a lid on in order to keep them happy.
Big Wags,
I lose interest in the food stuffed toys before actually get anything out of them. I can't have peanut butter in mine 'cause the humans think it would attract ants. Ants are a constant battle here in Florida. I left some dry dog food in my bowl on the patio one day and soon it was filled with ats- ewwwww.....
Sounds like you have setted down and given your mom a break. I wouldn't pull the feather scattering again for a long time. I think that pushed her over the edge. Linda said she would have freaked if she had walked in on a mess like that. Humans freak out over stuff really easy, don't they? I just don't understand why some things are so important to them. Making messes seems to be one of the things that sets them off. I guess we just don;'t see things the way they do. And they tend to forget how many of our natural instincts we have to keep a lid on in order to keep them happy.
Big Wags,
Oh no.. what is that scary thing doing in your neighbourhood?
We came by to tell you that we got your card. It is so beautiful. We love it. Thanks.
Hi Copper,
I got your card Copper, the one with you and your buddy Hershey - you two are so cute. Thank you so much! You are such a pretty poochie.
Can't wait to get your card Copper - I am waiting very patiently by the mailbox for it to come :-)
Hi Copper! I'm glad the present arrived in the mail. You have a crush? On me??? Ohhhhh, Copperrrrr! Yes, it is ok to have a crush on two girls when one of them is Ivy. Ivy is one kewl kat, er, I meant dog. How could one not have a crush on her!
Oh, about Kongs. Check this out. You can enter photos of yourself playing with a Kong. Go to the Kong web site, click on "send a photo" on their top toolbar, enter in "Ender" for the Name, then click "Fetch my pet's picture!" You will see my nephew!
i know the scary thing that happened in copper's neighborhood!!! and its SCARY COOL!!!!
We feel like we have missed so much in your life! We have been busy with our cards and are trying to catch up and find out that you and your mom have been having a rough time. Our mom understands completely since she has three dachsies to deal with. We don't get kongs but we run to our crates at night and our exercise pen in the morning. We always get treats and she tells us how good we are. Mom was wondering how old you are and how long you are alone? We are glad to hear things are going better now. We can't wait to hear about the scary thing in your neighborhood.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
hey hey copper! thanks for the card from you and hershey! i luv it! i will send you a card to hershey's house and my peepol will put in the chocklit-mint cookie recipe.
Hi Copper,
My mom found this helpful article on separation anxiety. There are some things your mom can do to help:§ion=trainingArticles
Please post your email address on my blog, or email (that's the email for our rescue's behavior team) and she can email you some more info and get advice from one of our volunteers who is a certified animal behaviorist.
A large black kong? EEESH, we only get the medium red ones, and we're professional chewers.
We also get layers of goodies in our kongs, and on special times (when the human woman remembers to plan ahead) ours get put into the fridge where all of the layers get nice and hard and frozen and we have to work harder to get them out.
The kong site actually has some wonderful recipes for things to put in the kongs, I highly suggest your human woman check those recipes out, they're tasty.
Hey Copper,
Our people make Kongsicles and they keep us busy for a good half hour or more. Our oaf-puppy, Rafe, gets a frozen Kong in the morning 'cause he wants to get up too early (like at 5:30) and won't stop whining. The people were getting so frustrated with him--they were yelling at him, shooting him with a water gun, yelling some more (kind of like your human spanking you--they just get so worked up and can't seem to see clearly). Anyway, if they let him out to do his business and then he gets a frozen Kong, he'll be quiet for another hour or longer.
Anyway, here's what our people put in the Kongs--they mix the Kong with our regular kibble and something runny and yummy like applesauce (unsweetened only), peanut butter (the "natural" kind with no sugar), cottage cheese, yogurt or squeazy cheese (Hint for your mom: The PB and squeazy cheese that Kong sells for their Kongs is much more expesive and has a lot more sugar in it than the stuff you can get for people--our people got suckered once and then they read the labels). Sometimes they just use some canned dog food.
They stick in a special treat or two (like your liver jerky treats) just to keep us interested and then they freeze it. Sometimes, they'll put a carrot in the middle so that it sticks out and we have to bite it off. Sometimes they put a squishy thing in the bottom that's really hard for us to get out, but keeps us licking and licking for a long time. They often use freeze-dried liver.
One thing your mom could try (either in your crate or not) is to put all your breakfast in the Kong--that's what we're doing with our new puppy (he was the people's secret)--you can freeze it or not. She could even try that when she's at home with you in your crate so that you don't necessarily associate it with being left--but even if she just does it with your old routine of your bed in the kitchen, it might get your mind off the fact that she's leaving.
There are also these products made by Premier--Busy Buddy, Squirrel Dude, etc.--that are great--they can be filled and frozen like a Kong, but it's a lot harder to get the stuff out, so it lasts even longer.
The main thing is that you get to stay with your mom--you and she would be so sad without each other. Just remind her of that with lots of kisses.
Glad we're in the HULA hoop together!
dear copper,
before we had such sensitive stomachs, we used to love to have our kongs stuffed with a mixture of peanutbutter, apples, and carrots. yum! the kong stuffing peanut butter stuff that comes in a cheese whiz type bottle along with the kong shaped cookies is good too, but harder to get out.
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