Hey Hershey!
Look at all the cool Christmas Cards we have gotten already. Today we got cards from Joey and Tanner, Tin Tin in Australia, and Mackie & Ollie. Wow (or Woo) this is FUN!! I am getting way more Christmas Cards than Mom.
I want to share the cards with you since they are coming to my house. I can't wait unitil you come for Christmas to show them to you so I am sending them to you in the mail.
Have fun in Virginia and tell Nixon I said Hi. Oh, and don't let the wind or the neighbors distract you from doing what your gotta do.
Your very best friend,

Wowie Zowie, Copper!! Look at all the holiday cards you and Hershey got in the mail! I wonder what the post person thinks. Those look like really neat cards that you're sniffing on the floor.
Thank you for the card you sent me!! Yippy! It came in the mail today along with a card from Comet and BLU. This is so much fun. I got 3 cards so far and my mom has got a pitiful 1 card. Hee, hee, I am more popular than she is!
My card is ready to send you, but since it is late today, we will send it out on Monday at the post office near my mom's work.
Oh, Copper. I meant to tell you that your card is really neat.... I love how you and Hershey are wearing the santa hat and jingle bells! Very festive!
By the way, which font did you use on your card? I like the font you chose.
Hana, my Mom has only gotten one card too! We are so much more popular huh?
You think I am sniffing the cards ... but I am really looking for more tidbits of the dog food Mom sprinkled on the cards to make me look interested in them. Ha! Hershey will love the way they smell.... like my dogfood!
Thank you for the compliments on the card but Hershey's Mom is the creative one. She can tell you the font. I forget. She photoshopped in the hat and bells.
Aren't these cards so much fun to get? I've gotten oodles of cards but the Humans haven't gotten any! Ha!
Big Wags,
I got your card in the mail.Thank you bunches,Mine's on it's way ..AWESOME picture you guys,woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
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