Sorry I did not post yesterday. My Dad bought my Mom a new computer yesterday and well it sucked up the whole evening and Mom really didn't pay me any attention. This new one is hard for me to use ....... but fast .... and it doesn't have any pictures on it for me to post. Here is a picture of a fish just so you have a picture to look at. My Dad told me he was tired of Mom and I complaining about her computer so he wanted to get her a new one. Mom is not complaining now.
I got to stay outside all day today while Mom went somewhere and I was a good boy and did not run away or dig under the fence or get stolen. Of course I did not do any of those things, because I love my Mom and would never think of running away! It was a pretty day and Mom told me she hated to coop me up in the kitchen by myself all day on such a pretty day. I took a nap on the wicker furniture and barked at the mailman and ate some grass. It was nice. I'll be back with pictures as soon as my Dad does his magic and transfers Mom's pictures.
While I am talking about computers, do you dogs use laptops or desktops? I prefer laptops because ....well, I like to sit in my Mom's lap.
My Mom has a laptop but it sits on a rolling cart .. because I sit in her lap and we both wouldn't fit!!!!
me and my peepol haf way too many pooters. one of them sits on the messy desk and one of them is on the pretty desk and the other one is a pooter inside an old radio that glows green! i am the only laptop thing around here.
i like your pickture of the fish. he is a pretty fish. i bet he wud taste pretty too.
Pretty picture! Yes, I bet he would taste pretty too...very well said, Ivy!
Congratulations on getting a new 'puter! You have a great Dad. We have two computers and both are desk tops. Linda used to have a laptop- before I came to live with them.
Big Wags,
as you know copper we are a laptop only family! dad has one that belongs ot work it has a really big screen and mine is simple and fast and works great! you mom's was getting funky!
You have a pretty fishy there. Did he come with the new pooter? Did you take him out on a walk? We have too many pooters. We got 2 desktops, 1 laptop, and 1 work laptop. My mom doesn't like laptops but my dad does.
The humans prefer Mac and have a zillion of them all over the house for various and sundry things. I'm sure once they figure out how to get them to open the back door for us, they won't move their lard butts out of their chairs anymore.
The human woman has a powerbook, which is nice to type on with my claws, but she frowns on letting me use it, since I scratch up the stainless steel finish, so she usually types for me... I proofread to make sure she doesn't change anything to make her sound more smart than she actually is.
My parents have two desktops and my dad has a laptop that sits in the bathtub doing nothing (he doesn't use the bathtub often and takes it out when he wants a bath instead of using the water from the hand held water wand) that he takes on trips with him (its been at least a couple of months since he went on a trip). The desktops are networked (whatever that is). I use my mom's puter to blog on.
Hey Copper,
We use both here - laptops and desktops. We usually use the laptops when we are relaxing in the loungeroom.
That's a nice fishy !
Hello Copper,
Mom has a desktop. It is probably time to get a new 'puter but Mom thinks about things forever before she does anything. She's thinking about getting a laptop and setting up a network but we don't think she needs anything else for her lap -- were would the three of us lay then?
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Roxie, Sammy and Andy,
Tell your Mom that my Mom thinks about things forever too! It was hard for her to say yes about the new computer but she did. Tell her that laptops are great because Mom's can lay on the couch while she uses it and you can beside her ... or in your case ... all around her!!!
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