Dog friends .... I am worried about Hershey. If you are new to my blog, Hershey is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. He moved to Virginia with his Mom and his Dad and his cat brother Nixon a while back. I miss him. The last I heard from him, he was being held captive by a nice family with a mean cat while his Mom went to Florida for a sad trip. I wonder if the man cat has hurt him and he can't blog? . . . . . Hershey if you are out there, please let us know you are OK and tell us about your adventures at the cat's house. Is this what he looked like?

Should we all join together and charge into the cat house to free Hershey? Hershey's mom should have brought him to FL. and let him stay with me- I live in FL! And I would've shared my computer and let him post entries on his blog, dontcha' know? That cat must be really selfish and hogs the computer at the cat house. I will be glad when he gets home 'cause I miss his blog entries.
Big Wags,
Big Wags,
I'm up for the rescue .. me and Chani both! Chani just loooooves cats .. NOT!
There are 6 huskies at our house. We are all up for a mission!
Count us in on the rescue mission! If there are enough dachsies running around the humans won't notice when we slip Hershey out the door!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Dog friends ... you are my friends! You would help me free Hershey!
Isabella, oddly enough ... I think you are not far from where we were for the funeral! Land O'Lakes .. Seffner ... Tampa? We were at all three.
if you need a keeshond count me in! i am very good at rescuing doglets! i am espeshully good at skaring away evil cats!
just give me a minute to put on my super ivy cape and i will be reddy to go!
Oh, oh, oh.... I know who can help. I personally know Superman's Superdog. Casper the Superdog has a big red cape and a big S on his collar tags!! http://casperddog.blogspot.com/2005_10_01_casperddog_archive.html
Also, count me in to help rescue Hershey!!
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