My Mom has to drive to Atlanta tomorrow to pick up Mari and Tabitha's Mom. Mari and Tabitha are two girl cats that belong to the grown up boy that used to live here and his wife. The boy and the wife come to see me sometimes but they never bring Mari and Tabitha because they say the drive is too long. They live far away in a place called Texas. The wife's grandfather died. This makes THREE grandparent deaths for this young couple in FIVE months. My Mom wishes this would stop.
This is Mari and Tabitha.

Pink stuff? Oh boy... I like pink stuff. Too bad you did not get to see what the baby shower was all about. I bet they ate a lot of food.
I hope you and Mari and Tabitha get along okay. They're not spies like Nixon is?? I am sorry to hear about the 3rd grandparent. My mom says things come in 3s, so hopefully this is the end of the cycle. You have a new baby to look forward to, so good things are coming your way.
What??? The baby shower wasn't at YOUR house? No dropped food to scarf up .. I feel your pain ....
What the presents are not for you?? How come.
Are those cats friendly?
~ fufu
The birds at your grandpa's house are sandhill cranes- pretty kewl, aren't they?
You and Hershey better watch out- that baby will take over. When my human's grand baby is visiting, I don't get any attention at all.
Big Wags,
Sandhill cranes? They were sure noisy Isabella! And they could run fast!
i think that all stuffed toys shud be for dogs! i dont think peepol luv those toys neerly enuf. i never see them running around the yard wif toys and skweeking them but i do that every day! toys shud be for dogs!
mari and tabitha look kinda skary to me. they look like they are saying just you try to hop up on this nice big soft bed... see wut happens!
speaking of beds... that one looks exactly like my big soft bed!! i wunder if those cats stole it from my house? i better check... nope mine is still there. *whew!*
here is sum picktures of my bed... it looks just like the cat bed dozzent it?
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