Well, I'm back home now. I got to go on a car ride and go see my Grandaddy. My Mom and Dad helped him put together a new computer desk and then helped him re-set up his computer..... you know, all those wires? While they worked I took a nap in the blue chair. If I lived with Grandaddy, this would be MY CHAIR.
Mom says that Grandaddy amazes her. He can do pretty much anything he wants to on the computer and he even uses a blue tooth with his cell phone. He is 78. The new desk is fun and makes him happy and it is good for him to be happy since he still misses Grammy.
They all left me alone at Grandaddy's house and went to church and then put flowers someplace for Grammy.

Grammy went away a year ago. Grammy would not like getting the flowers because she did not like getting flowers when she was alive. But the flowers make Grandaddy happy and that is all that matters. They also took flowers to my other Grammy and Grandaddy, the ones that knew my Dad. That Grandaddy passed away eight months ago. Mom and Dad are sad sometimes, I guess because of all these flowers.
While they were gone I tinkled in the house and clawed at the door. I didn't get in trouble though. I don't know why I didn't get in trouble.
Glad to hear you are back! My mom must be too old because she doesn't know what a blue tooth is!! It's very nice you went to visit your Grandaddy. I'm sure he was very happy to see you! The flowers look very nice. Maybe you did not get scolded because doors can be replaced and tinkling can be cleaned up. No harm done I hope! Next time, take the blue chair home with you.
Of course you didn't get in trouble. Your what keeps Mom, Dad and Gramps going. You are LIFE and you bring sunsine into their lives.
We don't have any Grandparents at all...they all left a long time ago before any of us were even born. Your very lucky.
Love you...Mona, Jacks, Toby and Evaander too!!
Well, you left them a clear message ... they weren't there to let you out so where were you supposed to go? You're too short to reach the toilet!
Does your grandaddy use different teeth for different phones? That sounds like fun to me!
Glad to see you back Copper, Woh your grandaddy sure is smart. Nobody in my house uses that blue tooth thingy
~ Girl girl
Hi Copper,
My grammy left just 1 month ago and my mommy still sometimes tinkles from her eyes about it. It's nice that your parents took flowers and I bet it made your grandaddy VERY happy! We get to go and see our grandaddy every weekend since he missed my grammy SO much.
You can't get in trouble for the tinklings unless they see you do it, at least in my house that is because we have 4 doggins. Loophole!
Hi, Copper
Sure my mom would be happy if your grandpa teaches her somethings about computers and blue tooths!! Glad your grandpa does things that make him happy!
If you didn't get in trouble then, don't ask now why!!
Have a nice day
Your post brought back memories for my Mom cos it reminded her of her Dad who went away for more than 16 years now. She just went to visit him with flowers last weekend.
I am glad you are back. There's no place like home eh?? :)
I'm glad your grandaddy is doing so well. that is pretty amazing that he can work all those things.
I'm also glad you didnt get in trouble for tinkling in the house, but... i dont think you should do that a lot... very risky...
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