Monday, August 21, 2006

It is the squirrels fault ....

Sorry I did not blog the other day but I have been itching so bad I can't even think. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because I itched so bad. My Mom and Dad are at their wits end trying to take care of me. I got a bath this morning at like 7 am (gosh I hate baths) and my Dr. Cindy neighbor friend brought me some more and different pills that turn into cheese medicine (I love cheese medicine). These pills are suppose to help me not itch and they have made me very sleepy. I can hardly hold my eyes open as a matter of fact. Dr Cindy says maybe I am allergic to summer! That would be terrible considering I live in Georgia!

But Mom went and bought a special comb today and combed me tonight. She called it a flea comb. And guess what! Even though I have had Frontline put on me every month for my whole life, she found ONE flea tonight. HELLO! That is why I am itching so bad! Mom says I am a very delicate and sensitive dachshund if one flea can make me that uncomfortable. Gosh, I wish she could feel how one flea itches you! The flea cob killed the flea and so maybe I can sleep tonight. I know it is all the squirrels fault. I saw him yesterday on my hamberger place and he was itching his tail!


IndyPindy said...

I'm sorry you are so itchy Copper! Some doggies are allergic to grass or plants that grow in summer.

I have some allergies too...I chew on my feet. My mom uses some holistic stuff on my feet and it helps.

I used to itch much worse before we found out I had food allergies. Can your Dr. test you for allergies?

Now that we know what foods I am allergic to I don't itch so bad. Hope you feel better!

Anonymous said...

hey copper! i'm sorry you feel so itchy. i know your mom wishes she could just stop it. that's crazy that you had a flea even though i know you use your frontline! i miss you buddy, i am coming to play with you next thursday!

DustyDoodles said...

Indypindy is right, if you continue itching you may have food allergies. The meanie shonee has them and so she get special foods. Tell mom to check it out if the flea being gone doesn't cure the itchies.

Pippin, the Gentle Pup said...

Hi Copper--I can't believe that squirrel. I'm sure you are right that it is his fault. Did you tell your mom to let you out to bark at him and tell him and his fleas to go away? I was really itchy, too, a couple of weeks ago, but my person gave me an "oatmeal" bath AND Frontline (we don't really need Frontline in this part of Michigan, but all of us doggers had a tapeworm at the same time, so we had to get it). That made me all better. I hope getting rid of the squirrel and having new cheese medicine helps your itches.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I guess living in really, really cold country does have benefits! We don't have fleas or heartworm up here. I hope your itchies go away now. If not, come up for a visit.

JustMeCopper said...

Hey dog friends. I always been an itchy dog but this week I have been over the moon itchy and my Mom is going to ask Dr Cindy about allergy testing. Mom is checking me every chance she can with the flea comb to see if that it the problem. Dr Cindy says that she thinks some fleas are getting immune to Frontline and so she uses a different flea medicine (the on your back kind) every month. Like Frontline one month, Advantix the next and a 3rd one the following month.

Meanwhile, I am chasing the squirrels away and thinking about mving to Alaska or Michigan. Imagine ... no fleas or heart worms!

Hana said...

Copper, I sure hope you feel better soon. It is no fun being itchy. My mommy says that when she was little, her mommy used to give her this stuff called "yeast 500." It had a bunch of vitamins in it. Well, turned out when my mommy went camping, the mosskeytoes took chunks out of everyone in the group BUT her. AND, at home, my mommy's dad had flea bites and he was the only one out of us not taking this vitamin stuff.