Sometimes my Mom and Dad take me on car rides to get ice cream. I mean they get ice cream for themselves ..... they don't take me to buy me ice cream. I do get to lick the lid or the bowl if they get ice cream. I love it ........and I hope it is not too terrible bad for me to eat in small quantities ... like licks. Licks can't be bad can they?
My Mom likes chocolate ice cream and my Dad likes other flavors. They never get beef or chicken flavored ice cream, or liver flavor. I wonder why? That would be really good. Maybe I should write to Dairy Queen.
Wow- Holly sure was a special dog, wasn't she? I enjoyed reading about her. Now about that ice cream- I sometimes get a small dip of vanilla ice cream. It is my favorite treat ever!
Big Wags,
I've only had that doggie ice cream - I wonder if it tastes different from people ice cream. Maybe I'll have to ask Mom to let me experiment!
My mom and dad let me lick their bowls when they have orange sherbet. Mom even leaves a little something in it just for me. I have also had the doggy ice cream and love that!
I've never had ice cream, period! So, I can't say if I would love it or not.
ooo! ooo! my peepol make ice cream sumtimes and they let me haf a lick. maybe they cud make some chicken or beef flavor ice cream next time... i just haf to find a recipe.
You are soooo lucky. We never get any ice cream. Mom never gives us any people food except for cottage cheese and peanut butter. She is thinking she might let us have some pumpkin pie filling because she's heard it's good for "roughage". Enjoy your ice cream and think about us ...
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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