This morning my plane landed in Houston, Texas. This is where Roxie, Sammy and Andy live!!! I am afraid I caught the wrong plane because I went west and not north as in the NORTH Pole. But since I was in town, I went over to their house and they took me to their house in the country and we had a great time. I sniffed and sniffed with them

I am really jealous of all of the fun they have out here. My house is boring compared to the country. It is also very pretty here. My Mom would like all of the pretty flowers.

Roxie called Mona and invited her over to meet me. She is very nice. All around it was a great visit. But I have to get on the road again so I can go rescue Hershey. Roxy, Sammy and Andy are debating if they want to go with me as I write this. .............. Gotta go, I see a cowdog and I gotta go bark!
Hi Copper,
What a wonderful visit. Roxie & I want to go with ya even if the boys haven't decided yet.
Me never seen snow & with you boys along me wouldn't be afraid of them polar bears cause Roxie & I know ya wouldn't let anything happen to us girls.
Love ya lots...Mona
Nice that you met some cowdogs on the way there
~ Girl girl
What a great surprise visit! We are glad you got to see the country house and bark at cowdogs! Our work is never done but it sure was nice to have help.
We want to help save Hershey. Will you be finished by Sunday? We have to help Mom move.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Copper, that's great you got TWO dinners!!! Here is a trick that you DON'T want to tell your parents about. Have them set aside your daily ration in a little plastic container each morning. Then, depending on who gets home first, they can feed you your meal from the ration. Or, my friend's family writes it down on the refrigerator when Sophie has been fed. But, don't tell this to your parents. It's a secret to figuring out who has done the feeding already.
Annnnyhow, I would come on your dog journey with you, but I gotta get back home by Sunday because we are meeting Casper D Dog for his 6th Barkday pawty! There will be 6 eskies there and a shiztsu dog! We're gonna have pupcakes! If you are coming out this way, swing by the pawty!
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