Well, I was right , I did hear Mom say 'car ride' and 'home.' Today I said goodbye to Hershey and went on a long car ride. I rode in my Mom's lap the whole way. Mom and Dad stopped to look at some houses made of logs! I did not get to go inside because a sign said "NO PETS." I don't know why they looked at houses made of logs ... I have a really good house. And who wants a house that says "NO PETS." That would not be a good house.
When we finally stopped, we were at my house. I know my house ..... it looks the same .... my yard looks the same. Everything looks fine ..... which is good because I am sooo tired .... too tired even to even bark at people walking past my house. I think I will take a long nap on the sofa.
Hershey, thanks for letting me stay with you at your house. It was really fun. You are a great friend ... except when you are taking my toys away. You can come stay with me anytime. I have carpet on my floors (not hard stuff like at your house) so we can lay down on soft places anywhere we want. I also have a bathtub, if you just WANT to take a bath. I hate baths. Thanks again, I love you. Copper