I just read the rules on Roxie, Sammy and Andy's Mom posted on their blog and I want to post my own rules BEFORE my Mommy gets any ideas!
Copper's Rules1. I get to eat at 5 pm, no later. I can tell when it is 5 pm by how dark it is. If it is a cloudy day, I get to eat earlier. If it is a weekday and you get home from work early, I get to eat early. If Daddy feeds me when he gets home and forgets to tell Mom I get to eat again and it is OK.
2. I like to sleep between you and Dad up beside the pillows. You get pillows, why shouldn't I? It is cold at the foot of the bed because the ceiling fan blows directly on me.
3. I am your shadow. If you lay on the couch, I lay on the couch. If you go outside, I go outside. If you go on the deck, I go on the deck. You can go in the bathroom by yourself, that's all.
4. Gas is down to $2.06 now. Hershey needs to come visit me more often.
5. I like to go for car rides. One a day is good. If you go get ice cream, I get to lick the bowl.
6. Walks ... I like slow, short, sniffy walks. Please do not try to walk for exercise, I have to smell things to know what is going on in my neighborhood.
7. I get a doggie cookie when I go outside in the morning. If I go out for Daddy and for Mommy, I get a cookie each time please.
8. If I stand in front of the pantry, it means I want one of my Lamb and Rice jerky treats. I love them and I have no other way to ask for them.
9. I get to lick ALL ice cream bowls, even Daddy's.
10. I can do the following tricks .... sit, lay down, roll over, and stay ... I do not want to learn to 'shake.' Stop trying to teach me that trick.
Dog friends, can you think of anymore rules we need to make?