Friday, April 25, 2008
I have signs in my little yard?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Do you like pink?
Peepol think us dogs are color blind .. at least that is what I have read. Well, little do they know, we see colors just fine thank you very much! Dogs, I ask you ... what color are these flowers? Yes, you're all right ... pink.
You would think pink is the only color flowers come in if you came to my little yard. I guess you can say my mother likes pink flowers. Just look at this rose bush in my yard! Pink everywhere. Mom says this rose bush makes her happy everytime she sees it. Me .. not so much.
Can you see me in the above picture? What is wrong with this woman? Taking a picture of flowers and not me?!
If you look very carefully, you can see a trash can down the street. I bet it has some cool smelling stuff in it. Mom was really excited to see how well the trash can showed up in her picture.
In my next entry I will show you more of my little yard.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I still don't like it ....
Mom even made a sign with my name on it to make it look pretty. She also hid treats in it so I would have possitive associations with it ... whatever than means. I do like the sign. (See how the wind blows my ears?)
Can I come out of this doghouse now?
Did any treats drop on the ground? Hmm, let me check ...
Do you have any treats? Do I REALLY need a dog house?
Monday, April 14, 2008
It's like I'm in jail ....
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The bunny I did not catch ....

Hershey has bunnies at his house. When I was visiting him this weekend, I saw one on the side of his house out in some tall grass where he thought no one could see him. Of course, Hershey and I could NOT see him because Hershey's windows are only for cats. They are too tall for dogs, especially height challenged dogs like dachshunds. Anyway, Hershey's Daddy took Mr. Bunny's picture. Isn't he cute? I really wanted to chase him.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Dagels ....

Tuesday, April 01, 2008
My trip to the spa ...

or this
it looked more like this
it wasn't terrible because I was with Miss Cindy, my wonderful next door neighbor who is a vet. She takes such good care of me. She took me to work with her in her car. (I am glad we didn't go on her motorcycle.) She cleaned my teeth and flossed the polar bear fur out from between my front teeth. (I guess I should not rip up polar bear fur anymore.) She also trimmed my nails and the fur between my pads. She said my blood was PERFECT! (Mom is so glad.) My Mom noticed that I weighed a half of a pound more than I did last time I went to see Miss Cindy and so she says I need to exercise more. I wonder what that means.
The people in the office are all very nice. They petted me and they were nice to my Mom when she called and asked about me. It was ok ....
But .....I have to go now. I ....don't feel like this. ....
I feel like this.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .....