Friday, August 03, 2007

Kissing the baby

Hershey and I love to take care of his baby. She is very sweet.
Here Hershey gives her a little kiss on her hand.

Muuuaaacckkk baby! Here's a kiss right on the mouth.

Ok, we'll stop kissing her.


Luckie Girl said...

Aww...I can see she's enjoying all the love she gets from both of you handsome doggies!! :)

Duke said...

awwwwwwwwww what an adorable picture! What does she taste like?

Love ya lots,

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

With all the love Miriam is getting from her two favorite dachsies, we know she is going to love dachsies when she grows up. If you start showing them what wonderful doggies we are when they are young, they are hooked forever ... just ask our mom!

ChaChi Lu said...

Oh, Baby kisses are the best!

~ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne

Lorenza said...

Those are lovely pictures of you two with little Miriam.
Thanks for sharing them.
Have a good night

Ivy said...

oh! now i am reelly looking forward to hafing a baby! miriam is so cute!

Miss Reina said...

Awww she seems like shes enjoying herself! Two of you are like her angels!


Marie said...

Awwww!!!!! (that's what my mom said, by the way) Hershey's sister is SO cute, Copper! She still hasn't grown much fur has she? I wonder why she doesn't have long hair like you and Copper?

Sparky said...

Look how cute you all are! Copper, you and Hershey have a very important job from now on - but I hear you'll be rewarded as soon as that little one starts to eat (and throw) solid food!

Lady Kaos said...

How cute! She is very lucky to have 2 dachsunds that love her so much.

Bailey said...

How do babies taste? Is it worth it? Let me know. Hadn't had the chance to taste one of those yet.