Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year ...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas a little late ...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hershey's HERE!
For now I will show you some pictures from my last walk to the canal. This fall my Mom took me on a flea collecting adventure ... I mean walk ... to the canal. She likes to walk there and take pictures. I walk and stand around while she takes pictures and I meet other dogs who share their fleas with me. I personally have a BIG problem with fleas. I seem to be highly allergic to them, or at least that is Mom's theory. Mom uses Frontline on me every month and it supposedly kills the fleas that bite me, but fleas make me itch something crazy and start this cycle of itchy flaky skin and scratching ... it makes me itch just THINKING about it. So Mom tries to keep them from getting on me period. This is the reason we don't go to the canal very often or go for many walks, she tells me. Ugh!
Anyway, here are some of the pictures we took that day.
I tried to introduce myself to this dog but he wouldn't talk to me. He said his tongue hurt.
Please let me smell this! No, I won't jump over the wall, I promise. I wonder where these steps go anyway ....
This is a wall.
She has dozens of pictures like this. Just boring old leaves and water.
This is poison ivy. Why she did she take a picture of poison ivy? I don't know.
This is Fifi. We exchanged phone numbers.
Can we go home now, it's getting dark and I itch?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hello dog friends ...
It's me again. I haven't blogged in so long, I am sure you have all forgotten me. Me thinks my secretary is