Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year ...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas a little late ...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Hershey's HERE!
For now I will show you some pictures from my last walk to the canal. This fall my Mom took me on a flea collecting adventure ... I mean walk ... to the canal. She likes to walk there and take pictures. I walk and stand around while she takes pictures and I meet other dogs who share their fleas with me. I personally have a BIG problem with fleas. I seem to be highly allergic to them, or at least that is Mom's theory. Mom uses Frontline on me every month and it supposedly kills the fleas that bite me, but fleas make me itch something crazy and start this cycle of itchy flaky skin and scratching ... it makes me itch just THINKING about it. So Mom tries to keep them from getting on me period. This is the reason we don't go to the canal very often or go for many walks, she tells me. Ugh!
Anyway, here are some of the pictures we took that day.
I tried to introduce myself to this dog but he wouldn't talk to me. He said his tongue hurt.
Please let me smell this! No, I won't jump over the wall, I promise. I wonder where these steps go anyway ....
This is a wall.
She has dozens of pictures like this. Just boring old leaves and water.
This is poison ivy. Why she did she take a picture of poison ivy? I don't know.
This is Fifi. We exchanged phone numbers.
Can we go home now, it's getting dark and I itch?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hello dog friends ...
It's me again. I haven't blogged in so long, I am sure you have all forgotten me. Me thinks my secretary is
Sunday, November 02, 2008
It's those Richmond squirrels ...

Friday, October 10, 2008
The stage is not for me ...
This week my Mom took me to church. She works are the church and she takes me there sometimes on Fridays but this time she took me to church to be on a STAGE. The Children' s Ministry at the church was doing a skit on Wednesday night like they always do only this time it was about a girl that rescued a bunch of animals from an animal shelter that was being flooded. The wanted animals to sit in kennels on the stage while they did the skit. So my Mom took me.
The skit was about DETERMINATION! The girl in the skit was determined to save all of the animals from the flood.
Jesus says, “In this world you will have trouble.” No ifs, ands, or buts. You will face sickness, death, divorce, temptations, failures, rejection, peer pressure. You will have trouble that you won’t see coming. And no one is exempt. Not the young, not the old, not the good. Even Jesus had trouble. He was tempted, persecuted, beaten, crucified. He could’ve taken an easy way out, given up, and gone back to heaven. Instead, He decided it was worth it to stay and finish what He’d started. That’s what Determination is all about–deciding it’s worth it to stay and finish what you start.
Too bad Mom didn't tell me that before she put me on the stage or I might have been determined to stay up there. Determination sounds like a virtue I need to learn huh?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
This is a vole....

Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'm awake ...
She discovered my porch water and played in it a little and here I am licking her hands dry. ... I try to be helpful.
I let her try out my doghouse. She fits in it really well.
And here she is playing on this big rock I have in my yard and watching Hershey smell something.
After Hershey left, Mom found a dead vole in my yard. She thinks it was a vole but it could have been a mouse. It was not a mole because my Mom looked at pictures of moles and voles and mice on the internet and moles have big feet and this creature didn't. Mom says she will spare showing you intenet pictures of voles and moles because she knows you can go look at them yourself if you want to. Anyway, this vole was just laying in my yard near where Hershey and I had been "studying" and rolling around alot. Mom didn't take a picture of it because he was dead and well .... very unattractive. But she thinks Hershey may have killed it because he is quite the hunter. Mom threw the dead critter over my fence so I can't roll on him now. Isn't she mean?
Since Hershey left, Mom has been looking at adoptable doggies on the internet again. Why is it that dog people think a dog that hates kids and cats and isn't housebroken and has heartworms will make a great pet? I guess everydog deserves a good home but Mom wants just the right one if it is going to live at my house for 10 + years. I really love it when Hershey is here. He is my very best friend and if he wasn't so attached to his Mom and his baby and his Daddy, we'd invite him to come live with me. But he has an important job taking care of his family up in Virginia. He has a mailman that attacks his home six days a week and he has dogs and people that threaten to walk past his house every day. He has to keep his cat brother Nixon in line and he has to clean up all of those dropped snacks. It's a hard life.
So, I am awake and maybe Mom will post more often now.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Mom ... enough with the camera!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This dog rocks ...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
A walking squeaky toy that drops snacks ...
Friday, August 15, 2008
I'm still alive ...

Mom also made another blog for her neighborhood and it has messed up my blog alot and so she has not wanted to post with all of the neighborhood information on my blog. It as taken her a while to get it straightened out and she is not sure it is straight even yet.
So, I am still alive.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Dog saves woman from bad kangaroo ...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's BIG ...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Photography 101 ...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Friday, July 04, 2008
A bath on the 4th?!?!

Hershey - Hey Copper, I'm all wet!
Copper - Yeah, I know we got a bath. I hate baths.
Hershey - Why did we get a bath?
Copper - I don't know ... sometimes when my Mom has a day off she gets in a cleaning mood and one of the things she cleans is me.
Hershey - And me too if I am visiting?
Copper - Yes, like I said ... she cleans things when she's in these moods.
Hershey - I thought we were supposed to eat hotdogs and watch fireworks today?
Copper - Hershey, I never get to eat people food unless it drops accidentally.
Hershey - Oh, well you need to come live with ME! I have a BABY!
Copper - Yeah, I've met your baby. Where did she go? I sure miss those bagels and bits of banana.
Hershey - I don't know where she is. She must be with my Mom and Dad cause they're gone too. Does that mean you are dog sitting me?
Copper - Yeah, I guess so Hersh. Let's go roll on the carpet and dry off. I'm still wet.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
I've always wanted a canopy bed ....

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
His breath is fresher ...
Hershey got his teeth cleaned today. He went to see Miss Cindy at the vet's office and he got his teeth cleaned and his nails and feet trimmed. Now you can see that he HAS feet. And his breath is fresher. He will be easier to sleep with tonight. He is very sleepy tonight though.
This is his baby's pink chair. She lets him sleep in it.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
They drop food ...
Dogfriends, I have been really busy this weekend baby watching. It seems that all that cleaning and cooking was because Hershey and his baby were coming. Hershey and I have been really busy baby watching. We watch her because she drops food. Wow, does Hershey have a great deal going with this baby thing! I really have to get me one. I will write more later when she leaves and I don't have to watch so much.